
Players magazine black models
Players magazine black models


“I did all the TV shows, all the magazines,” she said. OHIO PLAYERS ALBUM COVERS After the show the bald-headed beauty became an instant hit. “I said, ‘My agency would fire me if I take this wig off,’” Evans recalled.

players magazine black models

But Burrows liked the look so much that he asked the young model to keep it for the show. PAT EVANS HAPPY ACCIDENT One day, at a go-see for a Stephen Burrows runway show, Evans’s wig accidentally slipped off while she was trying on a dress, revealing her bald head. Straighten your hair and carry your “natural” in your pocket book.” “Leave those cornrows and bald heads at home. “As a black model in this game you cannot be yourself,” she said. But with a failed marriage behind her and two small children to support, Evans still had to work, and so she wore a wig to her modelling castings instead. She decided to make the strongest aesthetic protest she could - by shaving her head bald.

players magazine black models

MODEL PAT EVANS HEAD TURN But from the very beginning Evans was troubled by the model industry’s pre-occupation with straight hair, and the pressure placed upon women of colour to conform to white beauty values. Aside from Twiggy, I was the highest paid model at the agency.” “I thought there was no way I would get in there,” Evans recalled. She was turned down by specialist black agency, Black Beauties, but was finally taken on by Stewart Models, a white women's model agency that represented British supermodel, Twiggy amongst their roster. She then took the resulting pictures around to the city’s model agents. WOMEN PLAYERS She was still sporting this look in 1969 when she was spotted in New York’s Washington Square Park - where fellow black fashion model Tyson Beckford was also discovered - and invited to test with a local photographer. At the time she had long, straight hair, and he persuaded her to cut it into a short crop for his energetic live performances.

players magazine black models

Evans started off as a dancer with Nigerian percussionist, Olatunji at the tender age of 16. She is also known by her tribal name, “Running Bear”. She is of African American and Native American heritage - a mix of Nanticoke Lenape and Cherokee. 70s FASHION MODEL Pat Evans was born in Sugar Hill, New York City.

Players magazine black models